Dealing With Homesickness As A Travel Nurse

How To Guide

Travel nurses often choose their career path through an energized mindset that is looking for new opportunities that come with new sights to see. Oftentimes, this can come with homesickness. The great thing about this is that you are not alone. Many travel nurses admit to feeling homesick during the first few weeks or even months of a new assignment. Fortunately, there are also many ways to quickly overcome this.

Exploring Your New Home 

A simple walk around town can be the answer to feeling like yourself again. Discover different dining options, shops, and more to get a feel for where you will be spending your time. You’ll find that even just this small exploration can lead to a world of possibilities for you to unearth. 

Credit: Forbes

Cooking Home Recipes 

Cooking some of your favorite comfort meals can be a great way to reminisce on home and reflect on traditions that you enjoy so greatly. It will feel like you never left! 

Social Outings 

Get out of your comfort zone! The hardest step here is walking out the door. A great place to start is with your fellow travel nurse friends. Invite them for happy hour, brunch, the movies, coffee… whatever you desire! The nurses beside you can be your biggest support system, as they are most likely in a similar position as yourself. So bite the bullet and initiate an outing! This can oftentimes be the start of not only overcoming homesickness, but also a life-long friendship. 

Host Family & Friends 

Arranging time with family and friends isn’t always the easiest thing to do, but can be the most worth it. Quality time in your fresh environment with those that are closest to you is a great way to feel more settled in your new city. 

Social Networking Sites

Having platforms such as Facebook and Instagram is an easy way to stay connected with family and friends. See posts that include pictures and chat directly with one another! It may sound cliché, but this way you won’t miss a thing. 

Stay Positive!

Last but certainly not least, keep in good spirits! Always understand that it is okay to feel alone, stressed and anxious when packing up and moving across the country. But the key to overcoming these feelings is to remind yourself that you will. A positive attitude creates healthier outcomes in regards to your feelings and mental state. 

Living away from home gets easier, but missing home never fully goes away. As mentioned, always remember that it is okay to have feelings of isolation and sadness during these times. With that being said, still hold yourself accountable to engaging in best practices to do your best in eliminating this feeling of homesickness! 

One Galaxy, Countless Destinations, Endless Possibilities.